Thursday, October 2, 2008



What is sovereignty and how can my alliance gain sovereignty over solar systems?

Player alliances can claim sovereignty over solar systems.

Benefits of Sovereignty

Holding sovereignty gives several important benefits to the alliance that does so. One is that the alliance is visually represented on the starmap as being the sovereign of the solar systems in question.

Sovereignty has several levels, and different advantages are provided with each level.

The levels and bonuses are as follows:

  • Territory (Sovereignty 1)
    • Your alliance is visually represented on the starmap as being the sovereign of the solar system.
    • Your starbases get a 25% bonus to their fuel efficiency.
    • You can only deploy outposts in solarsystems where your alliance holds sovereignty.
    • Outposts and conquerable stations held by your alliance are invulnerable until you lose sovereignty.
    • Your alliance is able to anchor capital shipyard production facilities, thus enabling the construction of capital ships and super capital ships.
  • Protectorate (Sovereignty 2)
    • Cynosural field generator arrays can be anchored within the system (Note: Only one may be anchored per system).
    • Scanner arrays can be anchored within the system (Note: Only one may be anchored per system).
  • Province (Sovereignty 3)
    • Twinned jump bridge structures can be anchored (Note: Only two may be anchored per system).
    • Cynosural field jammer structures can be anchored (Note: Only one may be anchored per system).
  • Constellation Capital (Sovereignty 4)
    • All starbase control towers are invulnerable and can not be locked.
    • Sovereignty of the system can not be contested, and is locked into place until the system is forced to a lower sovereignty level.

Sovereignty Requirements

There are a few important rules to keep in mind when attempting to claim sovereignty over a solar system.

  • Only an alliance can claim sovereignty.

As explained above, sovereignty has several levels, and further requirements are needed for each level. Below are the requirements for each level:

  • Territory (Sovereignty 1)
    A single control tower placed, set to claim sovereignty. This needs to be in place for seven days, and then sovereignty should be gained after the following downtime.
  • Protectorate (Sovereignty 2)
    Territory level sovereignty undisrupted for fourteen days.
  • Province (Sovereignty 3)
    Protectorate level sovereignty undisrupted for fourteen days.
  • Constellation Capital (Sovereignty 4)
    Province level sovereignty undisrupted for thirty days.
    Constellation Sovereignty needs to be in effect for your alliance within the constellation.

If another alliance is already claiming sovereignty, then the following is required:

  • If a large control tower is used to claim sovereignty, any sovereignty claims from any small or medium control towers are not counted.
  • If a medium control tower is present, any claims from small control towers are also not counted.
  • If using the same size control tower, then the same number of starbases after the seven day waiting period will result in sovereignty changing to a neutral status, more starbases than your opponent will result in your alliance taking sovereignty of the system.

Note: All starbases require seven days and then the following downtime before they count for sovereignty within a system, with the exception of when constellation sovereignty is in play.

Constellation Sovereignty

In order to acquire constellation sovereignty, the following is required:

  • At least three outposts or conquerable stations within the constellation.
  • At least one system with sovereignty level three, with the two following added requirements:
    • An outpost or conquerable station located in the system.
    • This outpost/conquerable station set to be the capital under the station management tab.
  • Sovereignty held in at least 51% of the systems in that constellation.
  • All of these conditions need to be met for 14 days.

Once all of these conditions have been met, constellation sovereignty will be enabled for that constellation after the following downtime.


There are several benefits to constellation sovereignty:

  • A further fuel usage reduction, 30% instead of the usual 25% for all alliance owned control towers in the same constellation.
  • All outposts within the constellation can receive further upgrades.
  • Any systems within the constellation with no sovereignty claim can be claimed after only a single day by the alliance holding constellation sovereignty.
  • The system set to be the capital of the constellation can, when the other requirements are met, become the Constellation Capital.

Constellation Sovereignty Warfare

If one of the following requirements are met, constellation sovereignty will change to a contested mode:

  • The alliance holding constellation sovereignty loses sovereignty control of the majority of the systems in the constellation.
  • The alliance holding constellation sovereignty loses control of the minimum of three outposts or conquerable stations in the constellation.
  • The alliance holding constellation sovereignty loses control of the capital outpost or conquerable station.

When constellation sovereignty has been contested for a period of seven consecutive downtimes, constellation sovereignty will be broken and the attacking alliance can take over the former constellation capital.

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