Thursday, October 2, 2008

Factional Warfare

Factional Warfare

This is what factional warfare is all about:

Victory Points and the Command Bunker

What are Victory Points and what does the Command Bunker do?

Victory Points:

Victory Points are awarded for each Factional Warfare Dungeon an attacking Faction claims in a specific system. Do note that while characters can claim Factional Warfare Dungeons belonging to all opposing Factions, they can only be conquered by the defending/offending Faction fighting over that system.

Example: A character signed up for the Gallente Militia can claim a Factional Warfare Dungeon in a system occupied by the Amarr Faction, but the Victory Points for conquering the dungeon will be awarded to the Minmatar Militia effort to conquer the system.

The defending Factions can hinder the progress of the attacking Factions by successfully defending Factional Warfare Dungeons in systems they occupy. When a dungeon is successfully defended from the attackers, Victory Points are removed from the attacking side and they will need to step up their war effort in order to have a chance at occupying the system.

When enough Victory Points have been accumulated by the attacking Faction in a specific system, the Control Bunker in that system will become vulnerable to attack.

Control Bunker:

The Faction which controls the Control Bunker in a specific system, is considered the conqueror and occupant of that system. While the Control Bunker is normally invulnerable and not targetable by anyone, it will become vulnerable to the attacking Faction should they accumulate enough Victory Points in the system to be able to contest the occupancy over the system.

Note: The Control Bunker can only be targeted and attacked by characters signed up for the Faction which is actively attacking that system. This means that only players fighting for the Amarr militia can target and attack Minmatar Control Bunkers, and only characters fighting for the Gallente militia can target and attack Caldari Control Bunkers. Pilots not signed up for Factional Warfare can of course not target the bunkers, and neither can characters belonging to the defending Faction.

If the attacking Faction manages to bring a Control Bunker in a hostile system down to approx. 1% of its structure hitpoints, the system will be conquered and occupancy will be moved over to the attacking Faction following the next downtime. When this happens, all Factional Warfare Dungeons in the system will cease giving out Victory Points, and no more dungeons will spawn until after the next downtime.

Note: It is however possible to score Victory Points while the Control Bunker is vulnerable, so if the defending Faction manages to claim a dungeon in the system and nullify enough Victory Points from the opposition, the Control Bunker will be made invulnerable until the attacking side claims more dungeons to gain enough Victory Points in order to attack the Bunker again.

Ship restrictions in Militia missions

What ships are allowed into which Factional Warfare missions?

Much like many normal missions, the acceleration gates of the missions given out the by the faction militias will only allow certain sizes and ship classes to enter the mission area. Those restrictions are;

Level 1 missions

• Tech 1 frigates
• Tech 1 destroyer
• Tech 1 Industrial

Level 2 missions

• Tech 1 frigate
• Tech 2 frigate
• Tech 1 destroyer
• Tech 1 cruisers
• Tech 1 industrial

Level 3 missions

• Tech 1 frigate
• Tech 2 frigate
• Tech 1 destroyer
• Tech 2 destroyer
• Tech 1 cruiser
• Tech 2 cruiser
• Tech 1 battle cruiser
• Tech 1 Industrial
• Tech 2 Industrial

Level 4 missions

• Tech 1 frigate
• Tech 2 frigate
• Tech 1 destroyer
• Tech 2 destroyer
• Tech 1 cruiser
• Tech 2 cruiser
• Tech 1 battle cruiser
• Tech 2 battle cruiser
• Tech 1 Battleship
• Tech 2 Battleship
• Tech 1 Industrial
• Tech 2 Industrial

Factional Warfare Combat Zones

What are combat zones and where are they located?

Combat zones are the main battlefields introduced with Factional Warfare. They are located in low security systems (0.4 and below) of the following Constellations/Regions:

Amarr Space

Devoid Region:

Semou and Jayai Constellations

The Bleak Lands Region:

Sasen, Tandoiras and Vaarma Constellations

Caldari Space

The Citadel Region:

Ieyama and Isoma Constellations

Black Rise Region:

Inolari, Ishaga, Kurala and Okakuola Constellations

Gallente Space

Essence Region:

Jeon and Vieres Constellations

Verge Vendor Region:

Obray and Woenckee Constellations

Placid Region:

Amevync, Pegeler, Serthoulde, Viriette and Fislipesnes Constellations

Minmatar Space

Heimatar Region:

Hed and Huvilma Constellations

Metropolis Region:

Essin, Tiat, Eugidi, Angils and Aldodan Constellations

Factional Warfare dungeons will spawn in these systems and those can be fought over for occupancy of each system. Factional Warfare missions will also bring players into these systems a lot as the agents working for the faction militia always require players to get through hostile territory to complete their missions.

Factional Warfare dungeons can only be found through scanning the system and are listed as "cosmic anomalies" on the scanning menu. A multispectral probe can be very useful in locating a dungeon but the ship's on-board scanner can also scan them out due to their low sensor strength. Once the site has been warped into, it shows up on the system overview and can be warped into by anyone in that system.

Please note: there is one new region being introduced in Factional Warfare; Black Rise.


Detailing militia ranks

Ranks are honorary titles and awards that are bestowed upon enlisted factional warfare pilots to reward their accomplishments on the battlefield.

Ranks are directly tied into your faction militia standings – The higher your standings, the higher your rank is. To acquire ranks and standings, you must complete factional warfare objectives, such as capturing control points, and finishing missions on your militia’s behalf.

The factional corporation militias are:

Amarr: 24th Imperial Crusade.

Caldari: State Protectorate.

Gallente: Federate Defence Union.

Minmatar: Tribal Liberation Force.

Note: social skills are NOT counted to determined your militia corporation standings and thus ranks.

Effect on standings upon ranks:

If your rank will rise with higher militia standings, it will also drop if it goes down for a particular reason. As such, always remain careful about your actions, as you will be demoted should you lose sufficient standings. Leaving Factional Warfare (either the faction or the militia) will make your character retire from it and as such lose his/her rank. He/she will however recover them if joining up later on, as long as his militia standings did not drop.

Your ranks are shown in the “Decoration” tab of your character sheet.

Battlefield Intelligence page and other Factional Warfare statistics

What is the Battlefield Intelligence page and what does it tell me?

Battlefield Intelligence window:

After your character or the corporation which your character belongs to has enlisted to fight for one of the four Empire Factions, the signup page will change into the Battlefield Intelligence page. This page displays various information and statistics regarding the ongoing war, as well as some relevant News articles.

It is possible to display the statistics on three different scales by selecting one of the three different tabs on the page; the Personal, Corporation and Militia tabs. The personal tab contains information relating to only your character, and how your charater has performed in the war so far. The corporation tab displays statistics regarding the corporation you belong to, and the militia tab displays large scale statistics regarding all four factional militias. The statistics range from the number of enlisted pilots and ship destructions made, to victory points accumulated and systems controlled.

The bottom half of the Battlefield Intelligence page displays information regarding recently conquered systems, systems where fighting is currently ongoing and it also lists nearby systems which count as conquerable territory.

A character can withdraw from Factional Warfare by clicking the retirement button on the lower right half of the window. The CEO or a director in a corporation can also withdraw his whole corporation from the war by clicking the same option, but please note that a corporation will not be formally withdrawn until after the next downtime, so plan accordingly!

Map Statistics:

The Star Map can also be used to obtain some statistics about the ongoing war. By opening up the Star Map (F11) and selecting the "Color Stars By" tab under the "Star Map" tab, it is possible to select the "Occupancy" option in order to color stars on your Star Map according to which Faction controls specific systems. It is also possible to color only systems belonging to a specific Faction.

Gaining occupancy of systems in Factional Warfare

How does a faction gain and hold occupancy over systems?

Gaining and holding occupancy

To gain occupancy over a system, the offensive faction must capture factional warfare dungeons from the defending side in order to render the Control Bunker in that system vulnerable to attack. Once this happens, the Control Bunker must be attacked and it's structure reduced to about one percent. The occupancy in that system will then change over to the new faction in the following server downtime. From the time the Control Bunker is lost and until the server goes down, new factional warfare dungeons will not spawn in that system and existing dungeons will not produce victory points.

Warning I: The Control Bunker is always visible on the pilot's overview and while the Control Bunker is being attacked, it is possible for the defending side to gain victory points to bring the Control Bunker out of its vulnerable state.

Warning II: Whilst vulnerable, the system's Control Bunker can only be locked by the attacking faction itself. Any other factions (including the defenders and possible allies on each side) will NOT be able to do so.

Example: If a system Control Bunker is vulnerable in Caldari space, all pilots enlisted in the Gallente Federation Militia will be able to lock and shoot it. Caldari, Amarr and Minmatar players will however NOT be able to do so.

Warning III: Friendly factions can take part in fighting over occupancy but they can never gain occupancy for themselves or attack the Control Bunker of their friend's enemies.

Example II: A Gallente pilot can assist his Minmatar friends in capturing factional warfare dungeons which will be claimed as belonging to the Minmatar Republic. However, since the Gallente player is not able to lock the system Control Bunker, the system occupancy can only switch from Amarr to Minmatar and back, never to the Gallente Federation.

Holding occupancy simply means defending the system in question from the opposing forces gaining control over them. Regaining occupancy for the sovereign faction (for example) is achieved by gaining control over factional warfare dungeons in the system that has previously been lost and then reducing the Control Bunker’s structure hit points in that system to roughly one percent. The system occupancy will change back during the following server downtime.

System occupancy states

There are four "occupancy" states a system can have:


This is the neutral state of the system, no occupancy (un-contested) status is visible under system information in this state as occupancy is not being fought over in the system.


The attacking faction is gaining victory points and the system occupancy status is shown as contested.


The attacking faction has scored enough victory points to render the Control Bunker vulnerable to attack.


The Control Bunker has been taken down and this state indicates the system's occupancy changing over to the opposing faction during the next server downtime.

Please note: Sovereignty will never be modified or affected by factional warfare occupancy. A system's sovereignty was determined by the faction that originally settled in the system and claimed it as its own and the sovereignty will never change due to that fact. A system's occupancy is determined by the Factional Militia holding it.

Joining or Leaving Factional Warfare

How do I enlist for Factional Warfare and how do I retire from it?

How do I enlist for factional warfare?
There are two ways you can enlist for factional warfare. You can enlist either as an individual or as a member of a corporation that enlists as a whole for their faction of choice. Factional warfare is strictly optional and no pilot will have to participate in it against their own free will.

There are a few stipulations that all pilots considering to enlist need to keep in mind before signing up.

  1. You will be at war with your chosen faction’s enemy faction militia. Pilots enlisted into the enemy faction will be able to open fire on you without CONCORD interference.
  2. Entering the high security systems (0.5+) of the opposing faction will cause the navies of that faction to attack you.
  3. Any entity, pilot or corporation, is required to have and maintain a standing of 0.5 or higher with the faction they intend to enlist for and to remain enlisted. Note that social skills are not taken into account for this requirement, only the raw unmodified standing counts.

Where do I enlist?
You can enlist at any station belonging to your chosen faction that is located within their sovereign space. Note that any system listed as sovereign to the Khanid Kingdom or the Ammatar Mandate are not directly under the control of the Amarr Empire and you can not enlist for their militia corporation there.

Enlisting as an individual.
Only pilots on a regular paying account can enlist, pilots still on trial account will be unable to do so. The pilot must also not be enlisted with another militia. If the pilot joining from a player corporation, then the pilot may not have any roles or grantable roles in order to be able to leave his or her former corporation instantly. It will otherwise take 24 hours until the pilot becomes enlisted as roles are removed from the pilot.
Pilots enlisting individually will be removed from their current corporations into the militia corporation of the faction they are enlisting for.

The available militia corporations are:

  • Amarr: 24th Imperial Crusade
  • Caldari: State Protectorate
  • Gallente: Federal Defense Union
  • Minmatar: Tribal Liberation Force

Enlisting a corporation.
Only the CEO or director a corporation can enlist it for factional warfare for their faction of choice. The corporation itself may not be a member of an alliance or have an active application to any alliance at the time when it is being enlisted. The corporation will be moved into the faction they are enlisting for the next downtime after it was enlisted, if it was a member of an alliance it will take extra 24 hours before the corporation will be considered enlisted.

How do I leave the faction militia forces?
You can either retire willingly from service or you can end up being discharged from service against your will. This applies to both individuals and corporations.

Retiring as an individual.
To willingly retire from service, the pilot will need to press the retire button available to him or her through the same interface you enlisted through. This will happen instantly. If the pilot is a member of an enlisted corporation then he or she will have to leave the corporation normally to retire from service. This means that if the pilot has roles or grantable roles in the corporation it will take him or her at least 24 hours to retire.

If a pilot’s standings with the faction he or she have enlisted with drop below 0.5 for any reason he or she will receive an EVE mail notification to raise their standings during the next downtime. If the pilot’s standings are not up to par again the downtime after receiving this message they will be immediately expelled from their militia.

Retiring a corporation.
The CEO or a director of an enlisted corporation can retire the entire corporation by pressing the retire corporation button available to them through the same interface they enlisted through. The change in the corporation’s status will go through the downtime following this action. Before the downtime, the CEO or any director can cancel the command to retire to remain enlisted by pressing the cancel retirement button.

If a corporation’s faction standings with the faction they have enlisted with drop below 0.5 for any reason a warning mail will be sent to the corporation mailbox during the next downtime. If the corporation standings with the faction does not improve above the minimum before the next downtime after this message the corporation will be instantly expelled from enlisted status.

Factional Warfare Agent Missions

What are factional warfare agent missions?

Factional warfare agent missions are special missions available to pilots enlisted for factional warfare for a faction and their allies.

They differ from normal agent mission on several points.

  • Pilots will always be required to fly into enemy controlled space to achieve the objectives of the mission.
  • Warping to the mission location will broadcast the pilot’s location in space. This allows any pilot in that system to quickly locate and warp to the pilot’s area. This allows members of militias hostile to the pilot to defend their faction and allies.
  • These missions are never courier, mining or other acquisition type missions. It will always have a military objective. A pilot will not get issued a storyline mission after doing a number of factional warfare missions as you get when doing normal missions.
  • Factional warfare missions are only available to pilots enlisted to factional warfare from their own militia corporation or the militia corporation from their allied faction.
  • Factional warfare missions do otherwise function as normal missions. Pilots will receive standings increase, loyalty points and ISK for completing them.

    Example: A character belongs to a player run corporation that has enlisted with the Amarr Empire. The character will be able to receive missions from agents working for the 24th Imperial Crusade (Amarr Empire militia corporation) and from agents working for the State Protectorate (Caldari militia corporation). He will, however, only be awarded with ranks for missions run for his own faction and not the State Protectorate. A neutral character not enlisted with anyone will not be able to get any missions from any militia at all regardless of his standings.

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