Thursday, October 2, 2008



What can happen to me if I travel with illegal items between systems?

Pilots carrying items that are considered contraband may be contacted by customs officers and asked to either comply with the terms of the customs officials or suffer dire consequences.
The message you receive informing you of your contraband trafficking wil look something like this:
"Amarr Empire has discovered the contraband which you are transporting. If you decline to hand it over or fail to respond, you will be punished for your transgressions. Do not be alarmed, while we are waiting for your response, one of our number will target, warp scramble and stasis web you - for your safety of course. The contraband discovered was: "

You will then have to accept their terms or face their unholy wrath and lose your ship. Do not jettison the items, since customs will interpret that as an act of defiance and open fire. If you want to give them up, press "Yes" in the message popup window.
Certain types of items (or even groups) can be registered as being illegal with certain factions. Furthermore, the illegality of the type can be ranked with 3 levels. There are no special limitations to illegal items, except that carrying them might result in hostile actions from faction controlled NPCs.

Players should be warned when jumping or undocking into a system if they are carrying goods that are deemed illegal in the target system (this dialogue can be switched off).

Further info on customs and contraband:

Contraband (Illegal Items)
NPC Customs Officers are scanning players in Empire space. Customs police may be found at stargates in empire space. They will scan a random selection of the passersby and if they discover contraband, depending on what the contraband is, they will react in a range of ways. Discovery of any contraband results in a fine and a faction standing penalty - where the amount of each is determined by how much is found, the more items and wider variety of types, the higher the fine. In addition, each illegal type has a confiscation security level and attack security level, where if the solar system you are found with it in has equal to or higher than that security level, they will engage you in the relevant action. If confiscation applies, the Customs officers will confiscate it. If attack applies, they will attack you.

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