Thursday, October 2, 2008



What are complexes and multi-level scenarios?

These are sometimes known as "dungeons". However , as they consist of many scenarios tied together, are not surrounded by walls and do not have undead space rats, we call them "complexes". They are multi-leveled with escalating difficulty, have more structured game play, ideal for new players and offer big rewards at the end. They also look pretty damn good.

They differ from single-level scenarios in that structures are destroyable, you need to go through a linear path, and the loot drop is more varied since you are shooting down battlestations along with ships - so expect mineral or ore drops, blueprints, various commodities and skills. They vary in difficulty, usually based 2 to 4 security levels below the security level they are residing in so that a complex in 0.7 space would have a difficulty rating of 0.3-0.5. New NPC types such as Commanders and Officers might show up in them, as they will in asteroid belts and other locations, but they are as rare as hair on a Gallente's back.

High Orbit Complexes
Found close to moons, planets and stars, these complexes are usually civilian or rogue in nature, handling planetary tasks, distributing commodities and serving as trade hubs for outer systems that don't have full fledged stations. These are also found just outside empire space where certain corporations are colonizing new territory to ensla-... incorporate new systems for their empires. They usually contain various goods and commodities needed for colonies to survive.

Industrial Complexes
Industrial Complexes can be found everywhere in EVE where ore is to be gathered. Outlaws and factions alike use these installations to quickly gather massive amounts of ore to be processed before being moved to manufacturing or selling. Accordingly, they contain high numbers of ore and some processed minerals.

Military Complexes

Like the old Minmatar saying, "A faction without a military complex is like a fish without a Tempest. A fish needs water but both need massive firepower in space to stay alive". What it really means, nobody knows, but a military complex only means one thing: A factions intent to dominate that space, with or without the help of the fish. So if you are looking for defensive or offensive capabilites to sharpen your teeth, this is the place to go.

Deep Space Complexes
If you manage to find these. you know you found something you weren't supposed to. Why? Well, the enormous firepower you encounter is a definite hint. (At this point we'd like to remind you to renew your insurance for your upcoming new ship.) And the enormous firepower is there for a reason. Only way to find out why, though, is to bring insane amounts of firpeower yourself. It should be worth it.

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