Thursday, October 2, 2008

Creating a corporation

Creating a corporation

I want to create my own corporation. How do I do this?

The basic skill needed to create a corporation is "Corporation Management". You can find it on the market in most regions. Note that it also costs 1,599,800 ISK to create a corporation, and that the fee cannot be refunded.

Once you have the skill and the ISK needed, and have decided on a name, open the corporation menu in the NeoCom. There you will see an option named "Create New". Pick that option and enter the requested name and ticker. The ticker is the short name of your the corp and will be shown next to member names while in space. You must also supply your corp's description text, which will be displayed in your corporate description field in office lists and in space.

Please note you can't use a name already taken by another entity in game. Entity includes character, corporation and alliance names.

If you want to create a new corporation while you are a CEO of another, you must resign from that position first.

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