Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kill Rights

Kill Rights

What are they and how do they work.

The Kill Rights system allows you to get revenge from another player who has previously destroyed your ship in Empire space (0.1 to 1.0 security systems).

Note: no kill rights are given for being pod-killed.

If you are unlawfully destroyed in secure space, you are allowed to destroy everyone that took part in destroying your ship once. Those involved and which you have a active Kill Right for are listed in your character sheet under the Kill Rights section. The list displays the names of the players you can attack and the players that can attack you. It also lists the time remaining on each Kill Right. When the Kill Right is registered, you will have 30 days to find the player and destroy his ship. You are not allowed to destroy the player’s pod, the Kill Right only covers the ship. Once you have destroyed the player’s ship, your revenge has been made and the player that you destroyed will not be able to attack you back freely.

NOTE: Responding to an illegal kill attempt against your ship with any kind of force will void any kill rights you may have received otherwise.

An illegal kill is when the player attacking you in Empire Space is:

-Not at war with you.

-Not flagged from stealing from you or your corporation.

-Not flagged for aggression towards everyone, i.e. he did not just commit an unlawful act.

-Not an outlaw (with a security standing at -5.0 or lower)

-Not on your Kill Rights list, i.e. he does not have a Kill Right on you.

If all of the above applies and the player destroys your ship, you get a Kill Right for him.

If a player is a legal target in space, i.e. has recently performed an act of aggression or is an outlaw, with a security status of -5.0 or lower, no kill rights are given as he was already a legal target.

Your Kill Right target will show up as “blinking red” on your overview unless you have modified the overview to show legal targets in another way.

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